We are excited to announce that effective Monday, January 3, 2022, 3001 Stamford Square will resume our shuttle service to and from the Stamford Transportation Center. “Ashforth Express” will pick-up and drop off outside the first-floor lobby at 3001 Stamford Square, 707 Summer Street, and 2777 Summer Street. This is a free amenity for those who work in our buildings. Click for PDF of shuttle schedule.

As a reminder if you plan to use the service, please stop by our management office or the concierge desk on the first floor to obtain an identification sticker to be placed on your access pass. The driver is instructed to ask riders for their pass. Riders are also required to wear a mask when riding the shuttle.

At this time we may not have the most optimal schedule for all who would like to use the service, but we will review regularly, listen to your feedback, and make changes, if possible, as our goal is to service the most people. For additional transportation options, view CT Transit.

Please email or call our management office with any questions. You can reach Heather at evansH@ashforth.com or 203-356-9985.