Women of Ashforth (WOAH) held their inaugural, kick-off, luncheon event in February. Over 25 Ashforth women were able to join the interactive, hour-long session with keynote speaker Erin Patterson, Director of Real Estate Research & Strategy at WAFRA and the Lead of Wafra’s Executive Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Committee.

Patterson guided a thought-provoking, engaging discussion on “How to Define Your Defining Moments” that included breakout groups and sharing with the larger group. What is a defining moment? A point in your life when you are urged to make a pivotal decision, or when you experience something that fundamentally changes you. Not only do these moments define us, but they have a transformative effect on our perceptions and behaviors.

Also at the event, the group unveiled its new logo. Ashforth’s Marketing Department created two logo options and all WOAH members voted and unanimously chose one that included the new tag line: Enhance, Encourage, Engage.

In November 2022 Ashforth announced the formation of the employee resource group, WOAH, whose mission is to bring Ashforth’s women together to enhance both professional and personal development and to foster connections and support within the workplace and in the broader community.

“The Ashforth Company has a long and proud history of creating a welcoming and inclusive culture. We are committed to encouraging an environment where everyone feels respected, valued, and appreciated,” said Ryan Harvey, Co-CEO of the Ashforth Company. “This group exemplifies Ashforth’s commitment to one of our guiding Operating Principles – PEOPLE,” added Ryan.

“WOAH provides an opportunity to connect with women across the Company, share experiences and challenges, build skills, brainstorm new initiatives, and celebrate successes,” said Sandra Funk, Senior Vice President of The Ashforth Company and Co-Chair of WOAH.

“We’re excited to host our first team building event after work in May. The group aims to meet three to four times a year with the goal to connect, empower, support, and engage members through leadership development, educational opportunities, work/life balance initiatives, mentoring, networking, and community outreach,” said Sydney Worobel, Project Manager with A.P. Construction and Co-Chair of WOAH.