The Ashforth Company proudly partnered with KPMG, our tenant at 3001 Stamford Square, to observe Earth Day 2016 by sponsoring a spring cleanup project at Stamford’s Mill River Park & Greenway for the 5th consecutive year. Several of our employees along with other corporate volunteer groups teamed up to complete weeding and mulching in the rain garden, invasive removal, cleaning out cat tail streams, digging and clearing mud and silt from the stream entrance of the river and general cleaning of the river.

For nearly 100 years, Stamford has dreamed of a Central Park in the heart of its downtown and a greenway along the banks of the historic Mill River. Now, because of the collaborative efforts of city, state and federal government, corporations, foundations, and private citizens, that dream is fast approaching reality. The park has made remarkable strides in its transformation over the years thanks to volunteer efforts of the community.