Since the beginning of the global COVID-19 pandemic, the demand for face masks had reached uncharted territories. Many states called upon the support of local communities to help create a supply of face masks and coverings to be donated to essential businesses and front-line workers. Karyn Ward and Julia Ludlow-Ortner, Executive Assistants with The Ashforth Company, immediately answered that call.

At first, Karyn started making masks both for her and her son Anthony. She then began making masks for friends in the neighborhood and co-workers. Before she knew it, she had made and donated over 25 masks to people she knew. Having realized the importance of the gesture, Karyn expanded her reach to other members in the community.

“I signed up for Stamford COVID-19 news alerts and in one of the community emails, a group associated with the City of Stamford put in a request for homemade masks,” shared Karyn. Since partnering with this group, Karyn has created and donated nearly 50 more face masks that have been distributed to front line workers and volunteers.

Julia also started off making non-medical masks for herself and her family before being approached to make masks for others in the community. Having an extensive background in sewing, Julia’s masks were custom made to order. “This was a unique need that I was born to fill; therefore, I had to help,” said Julia. In total, she created nearly 70 custom masks.

In addition to the masks, Julia donated 100 yards of fabric valued at $1,000 to a local group looking to make non-surgical cotton gowns for the nurses / nursing assistants at the Whitney Rehabilitation Care Center in Hamden, CT.  “I have friends and acquaintances who have been exposed to the virus and survived; I have another friend whose mother that passed due to COVID-19.  Like the cancer that took my brother’s life in 2011, COVID-19 is affecting all of us and will continue to for a long time.  It is not in my family DNA to sit by and not get involved. I’m glad I can help,” added Julia.

The Ashforth Company encourages and supports volunteerism and is proud of its dedicated employees, like Karyn and Julia, who volunteer their time and work hard to help build stronger communities.