Gary Wink
For Outstanding Performance, Service and Commitment
Ashforth’s 2014 Employee of the Year received an all-expenses paid,
four day, three night vacation for 2 in Bermuda during 2015.
Gary Wink has been a superintendent with A.P. Construction for the past 21 years, developing strong relationships with owners and property managers, as well as mentoring new hires. His performance at Pitney Bowes, however, is what earned him this nomination. He worked closely with subcontractors and design teams to resolve problems before they became major issues for the owner. He pressed the schedule to completion despite many material delays and changes, working many nights and weekends to be sure the trades completed critical tasks. Pitney Bowes was an important job and his devotion to getting the construction completed on schedule and at the highest quality level helped make it a huge success.
The following nominees for the 2014 ALBERT B. ASHFORTH EMPLOYEE OF THE YEAR AWARD were recognized for their “outstanding performance, service and commitment” at The Ashforth Company’s annual holiday party. Each employee who was nominated for the 2014 Employee of the Year received a check for $500.

Sue Kretchko
This nominee was originally hired twenty years ago in 1994 at our EastRidge Properties management assignment in White Plains, NY. There, she worked as Financial Assistant from October 1994 until the portfolio was sold eleven years later in December 2005. One of her financial responsibilities at EastRidge was to process the weekly payroll for the building engineering staff. After the portfolio was sold, she was briefly out of a job until a position opened up in Stamford in January 2006 for Payroll Administrator in the Finance Department. What an opportunity to “boomerang” back to the Company in less than one month’s time! Since then, she has taken on the full responsibilities of processing payroll for all employees in the Company and she is also responsible for the monthly administrative duties related to Company benefits. She is reliable, diligent and you can always count on her to “figure it out to get it right!”
She personally delivers paychecks on the 15th and last day of each month and she does that REALLY well! She loves her menagerie of birds, parrots, dogs and turtles and is a formidable opponent playing Scrabble each week where she frequently gets the 7-letter “Bingos” for 50 extra points. We are pleased to nominate Sue Kretchko for the 2014 Albert B. Ashforth Employee of the Year Award.

Gary Hock
This nominee worked tirelessly throughout 2014 and made substantial contributions to the overall success of all the properties he oversees. He always demonstrates a high level of expertise regarding any project he is assigned. His accomplishments this year include, but are not limited to, his successful completion of his day to day duties such as snow removal, preventative maintenance, building operations, tenant relations and vendor supervision. He also excelled at completing special “in house” projects with formidable challenges, such as replacing 90 pieces of exterior glass, commissioning new HVAC units and restoring a drive lane at 3001 Summer Street. He also successfully completed many tenant fit-outs at 2777 Summer Street, getting the tenants in on-time and within budget. And last but not least, perhaps his toughest assignment in 2014, other than retrieving Kim DePra’s entry card, was the re-carpeting and painting of “executive row” at The Ashforth Company! He is a team player and a strong performer with professional competence that can always be counted on day or night. He is Management Services “employee of the year” and we are pleased to nominate Gary Hock for the Albert B. Ashforth Employee of the Year.
Since starting this Employee of the Year tradition in 1992, 23 employees on the have received the Albert B. Ashforth Award in recognition of his or her outstanding performance, service and commitment to the Company. Previous winners were:
- 1992: Lisa Horvath
- 1993: Sharon Bone
- 1994: Ingrid Heymach
- 1995: Andy Naylor
- 1996: Mike D’Amico
- 1997: Cindy Brennan
- 1998: Bob Marini
- 1999: Paul Ouellette
- 2000: John McCormack
- 2001: Brian Heelan
- 2002: Stacey Cassidy
- 2003: John Pedersen
- 2004: Carla Smith
- 2005: Lynnanne Hourihan
- 2006: David Breidenbach
- 2007: Luci Rogers
- 2008: Marc Longo
- 2009: David Marks
- 2010: Brian Maloney
- 2011: Heather Evans
- 2012: Joe Orlando
- 2013: Monica Byrne