The Ashforth Company along with 21 other companies from Stamford and Greenwich supported the Volunteer Center of United Way of Western Connecticut’s annual Back to School Clothing for Kids program. Employees from these area companies donated many new school outfits and school supplies to 200 students who attend Stamford Public Schools. Back to School Clothing for Kids has been a successful program held annually for 14 years.

Ashforth was assigned to Chris and Everette who attend Davenport Ridge Elementary School in Stamford. Knowing their favorite colors, sports teams and characters, Ashforth volunteers provided the children with new school outfits, a pair of new sneakers, new fall and winter jackets and a new backpack filled with grade appropriate school supplies.

“I love doing things like this for kids in need. It’s fun to shop for them, and it’s also a great way for my son to understand that we all need to help others. My son always asks what kind of things we know about the kids, so we can buy things that they will like. It’s a very rewarding experience and I hope it brings a smile to a child’s face during those first few days of school,” said Karyn Ward, Executive Assistant to the CEO.

The mission of Back to School Clothes for Kids is to provide new clothes and school supplies to kids who are truly in need. Local schools report that many children miss the first few days of school because they are uncomfortable wearing their old clothing while their peers have new clothes and supplies. Back to School Clothes for Kids provides kids with new school outfits and all their requested supplies, so they can attend their first days of school with a comfortable smile.

The Ashforth Company is a member of The Workplace Volunteer Council supported by The Volunteer Center of United Way of Western Connecticut and through this organization the Ashforth is able to offer employees various volunteer opportunities throughout the year. The Volunteer Center serves nonprofit organizations, employers and individuals by coordinating their talents and resources, to build the capacity of agencies with the goal of enhancing the quality of life in our communities through volunteerism.